Name: Alan
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 6, 1985
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Born in the Year of the: Ox
Industry: Communications / Media
Occupation: Network Technician
Location: Roswell, Georgia
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Major: Art
Favorite Place: Curled up under my covers, especially if it's cold out.
Color: Candy Apple Red (like my Strat)
Movies: High Fidelity, Mallrats, Empire Records, Orange County, and Almost Famous
Actor's: John Cusack, Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp (Pirate's Owned), Jason Lee, and Ron Jerem... uh I mean Jack Black.
Actress': (In order of preference)
1) Renee Zellweger(minus Chicago, she was looking kinda nasty in that one)
2) Kate Hudson
3) Elisha Cuthbert (my wife bee-ah-tch!!!)
4) Catherine Zeta-Jones
5) Kiera Knightly (damn she looks good in a corsette)
Show's: “Smallville” (yeah, it's sad I know), “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, “Everwood”, and “Two and a Half Men”.
Literary Work: “Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poem's: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe
Author(s): Anne Rice, Brian Jacques, Edgar Allen Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Stephen E. Ambrose
Random Question:
Q: You're wearing a sweater that stretches down to your feet. What color belt do you put on?
A: Who says I'm wearing pants?
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Cleanliness is Godlyness...

So I've reorganized, so hopefully, the site looks a little cleaner now. Been trying to pick a new song to play in the background, have a few in mind, but none seem to fit my mood. The one that comes closest is a Pearl Jam cover of U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday," but it just doesn?t work.

I am sick as a dog right now, so if I start to lose coherency in my writing don't worry, my med's are kicking in. The fact that I'm sick doesn't help what occurred this past Saturday night, but I promised that I wouldn't talk about that anymore, so yeah you don't get to hear that tale. I'm kind of stuck when it comes to my screenplay, the original ending that I had planned sucked, so I've got to come up with a better one. Damn my life is sucks and I hate to not be able to talk about my love life, as it is very interesting at this point in time and I know that there are a bunch of people out there who follow this and want to hear about it. Grrr...

>> Alan spun round and round on 4/29/2004 12:07:00 PM (0) comments


Dum Dee Dum...

Wow, I'm bored. Here I am sitting at work, with the usual nothing to do, but this is not the worst of it, in fact nay, this is far from the worst of it. The worst of it is that I'm bored even when not at work. This is bad, actually no, this goes beyond bad, my boredum has reached the stage where stupid comes any actions I take. The last time I was this bored I believe that the phrase "Toys 'R' Us 500" was coined and let's just say that the results of that race were not a pretty sight, and that drunk people and tricycles don't mix.

Although I don't think that this time stupid won't come about, for you see I know the exact point of my boredum, the source of this evil eminating from... somewhere. The fact of the matter is that most all of my closest friends left last August, so the only company that I've kept are all of the Juniors that I'd befriended and are now seniors. It also hasn't helped that lately there have been a rash of my friends who left calling me, stammering on about how we've got hangout. Don't get me wrong, I really want to see all of them, but the anticipation is fucking killing me not to mention all the schedueling, and the thought of how much money I'm going to be spending... ::shudders:: Here I am having worked for the past year non-stop, and from the looks of all the people who've called me, I'll be spending about 1/4 of what I've saved. Now I've saved almost $19,000 (it would be more, but all work and no play makes Alan a dull boy), all so that I could go off to college this fall and live comfortably, but having already pulled out $3,000 and set it aside for a road trip and I'm planning on getting myself a new car, so there is another $7,000. That only leaves me $9,000 to live comfortably... which equates to groceries and gas for about a year and a half. Now factor in the amount of money that I'm going to spend on seeing all these people, and yeah I'm pretty much screwed. The strangest thing is that an overwhelming majority of these people that have called me wanting to hangout were only aquantences, people who think that just because I worked with them on a project in History class I'm suddenly their best buddy. I mean what the hell???!!! I spent most of High School a bloody outcast, most of the people that I considered my friends, I never really hungout with outside of school. Now here they are calling, interupting me when I'm eating, or when I'm at work, or when I'm in the middle of pratice, all so that they can say 'hi' and shoot the proverbial shit... ::extremely irritating:: Oh well, I still can't wait to see their faces when I tell them that I'm working for a computer networking firm and raking more money in a week than they are in a month working at some minimum wage gig... ::insert manical laughter follwed by an insidious grin ::

>> Alan spun round and round on 4/20/2004 02:11:00 PM (0) comments


...Out of the Past, Comes a Hero of Tomorrow...

Well, I've good news and bad news, The Good:

This is the final layout, and I must say that I'm very impressed. Only 2 days work went into this. A little image editing, some tricky java script, and loads of Chai Latee's later, 'Future Kid & The Tales Of Tomorrow' is born. I've a new e-mail address, I've got my cell phone back, (678)-524-3061. To top it all off my desire to write has returned.

The Bad:
As I really dont want to talk about it (reason mentiond in last entry... Miguel there is a response in my comment thing for you), I'll give you this...

The ghosts of the past, darken even the brightest tomorrow's.

>> Alan spun round and round on 4/14/2004 10:53:00 PM (1) comments


Be afraid, this is a long one.

Wow, all kinds of crazy round here. So my cell died and I am now without means of mass communication... (Insert 'Grrr...' here). I’m working on a new layout, it should be up soon. I’ve got a new e-mail address: I received all my acceptance letters, now it's just a matter of where I want to go, and what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I've been accepted to:
Kennesaw State
Georgia Southern
West Georgia
University Of Louisville (I can go home!!!!)
La Cordon Bleu (it's a culinary school in Paris, but they have an Atlanta campus too)
Full Sail (the 2 year film school, but I'm not that jazzed about film anymore, nor the 36 grand a semester price tag)
Georgia State

I've gotten a promotion at my day job; I am now the lead technician of Hayden Technologies Inc. I've taken the company website under my wing as my next major project, and have been working on it furiously. The screen play is coming along, but I've yet to type any of it up, so it may be quite some time before I can post any of it, I can however give a synopsis of it.

Current Day, Louisville Kentucky, Centered around the City, Specifically the area around the Second Street Bridge.

Main Characters:
Vince - Main Character, hopeless romantic, very artistic, mid-twenties, handsome (but not supermodel), very self-conscious, very relaxed and laid back on the outside, but tends to over analyze everything, and stresses about stupid stuff. Has a tendency for absent mindedness, which lends to his artistic abilities as a writer/guitar player. His band the ‘Sunset Saviors’ plays in the local clubs and pubs near his apartment and day job. Amy and Vince dated for a while in high school and in Vince's opinion their relationship was the best he's ever had.

Richard - Vince's right hand man, acts as comedic relief, but holds a very prolific aura always dishing out sage like advice that he himself never heeds. Tends to act first and think later, especially so when the terms are completely outrageous. Can be rather pushy and is intimidated by nothing and no one, however, it is very clear that he has a soft side he refuses to let out. Vince and Richard have been buddies since college and is bass player in Vince’s ensemble.

Amy - very sweet, very cute. The girl next door type (Elisha Cuthbert is my wife biatch (yes, this is a cheesy movie reference, but I am going to see that movie this Friday, even if only for the "I'm all wet can I come in," scene.), she is very approachable, yet has only dated a couple of guys since she and Vince first parted ways. Tends to be very quirky and has a very strange sense of flirtation, which continually confuses Vince. She never seems to be able to tell the story straight through, becoming either side tracked or blatantly lies. Vince's love interest.

Stacy - Vince and Amy's boss and Amy's best friend. Stereotypical drama queen and general rumor mill. Stacy and Amy have been friends since childhood, and this is the only reason that Amy puts up with Stacy. Stacy has a thing for Vince, but throughout the movie it becomes more and more apparent that Stacy is a 'loose' woman. Every one in the offices already knows this and it's continually hinted at throughout the film.

John - If Richard is Vince’s right hand man, John is his left. John, a drummer, he and Vince will play the local pubs and clubs on the weekends. In stark contrast to Vince, John is truly an artist his mantra, “Live it, Love it,” is continually repeated throughout the film and acts as a consistent reminder that we never stop to see the big picture until it’s far too late to do anything about it. John really is a minor character, appearing only to remind Vince of mantra; he becomes more and more of a main player towards the end of the film, when Vince leaves his job and home. The music that he and Vince play at their gigs is reflective of what is going through Vince’s head and how he feels, other than monologue with the audience; it is the only other way the audience gets to see into Vince’s thought process.

I’m not going to be posting the plot, as it will protect my work, I will however give these clues as to the story:

1) Those close to me can already figure out that I’m basing the characters on people in my life.

2) Within these hallowed pages of my life, life is created (Go back and read my whole blog you dimwit.)

>> Alan spun round and round on 4/09/2004 11:10:00 AM (0) comments