Name: Alan
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 6, 1985
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Born in the Year of the: Ox
Industry: Communications / Media
Occupation: Network Technician
Location: Roswell, Georgia
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Major: Art
Favorite Place: Curled up under my covers, especially if it's cold out.
Color: Candy Apple Red (like my Strat)
Movies: High Fidelity, Mallrats, Empire Records, Orange County, and Almost Famous
Actor's: John Cusack, Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp (Pirate's Owned), Jason Lee, and Ron Jerem... uh I mean Jack Black.
Actress': (In order of preference)
1) Renee Zellweger(minus Chicago, she was looking kinda nasty in that one)
2) Kate Hudson
3) Elisha Cuthbert (my wife bee-ah-tch!!!)
4) Catherine Zeta-Jones
5) Kiera Knightly (damn she looks good in a corsette)
Show's: “Smallville” (yeah, it's sad I know), “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, “Everwood”, and “Two and a Half Men”.
Literary Work: “Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poem's: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe
Author(s): Anne Rice, Brian Jacques, Edgar Allen Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Stephen E. Ambrose
Random Question:
Q: You're wearing a sweater that stretches down to your feet. What color belt do you put on?
A: Who says I'm wearing pants?
03.2003 04.2003 05.2003 06.2003 07.2003 08.2003 09.2003 10.2003 11.2003 12.2003 01.2004 02.2004 03.2004 04.2004 05.2004 06.2004 07.2004 08.2004 09.2004 10.2004 11.2004 12.2004 01.2005


Mood: Tired, and wired with about 2 dozen RedBull’s in my system…(PH34R T3H C4FF1N3…)

Here’s what I’ve been up to in handy list form, ordered from most on my mind to least:

1) Well, I’d tell you but all you need do is read the past few entries and you’d know…
2) Stop thinking about… damn it, thought about her again
3) Whether I should go to homecoming with Vanessa…

Reason’s against…
a) I won’t have my car back till Oct. 31 and homecoming is on Oct. 11
b) Its a dance, and I don’t dance
c) It’s a high school dance, and the high school that I graduated from no less.
d) I really don’t feel like it.

Reason’s for…
a) I could use the evening with the company of someone other than the guy’s
b) The hope of getting an unnamed person ::cough cough:: out of my damn head.

4) Getting my car back.
5) Fixing my computer / Building a new one
6) Thinking about two simple words, ‘road’ and ‘trip’
7) Saving more money than spending.
8) Expanding winter wardrobe.
9) Getting Halo PC (yeah, can’t believe it’s this low on my list too.)
10) Finding a new job.
11) Finding my own place.
12) Getting out of Atlanta.
13) Finishing my latest song.
From 14 to how ever high you can count) Stop thinking about… damn it, thought about her again

>> Alan spun round and round on 9/30/2003 08:21:00 PM

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