Name: Alan
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 6, 1985
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Born in the Year of the: Ox
Industry: Communications / Media
Occupation: Network Technician
Location: Roswell, Georgia
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Major: Art
Favorite Place: Curled up under my covers, especially if it's cold out.
Color: Candy Apple Red (like my Strat)
Movies: High Fidelity, Mallrats, Empire Records, Orange County, and Almost Famous
Actor's: John Cusack, Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp (Pirate's Owned), Jason Lee, and Ron Jerem... uh I mean Jack Black.
Actress': (In order of preference)
1) Renee Zellweger(minus Chicago, she was looking kinda nasty in that one)
2) Kate Hudson
3) Elisha Cuthbert (my wife bee-ah-tch!!!)
4) Catherine Zeta-Jones
5) Kiera Knightly (damn she looks good in a corsette)
Show's: “Smallville” (yeah, it's sad I know), “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, “Everwood”, and “Two and a Half Men”.
Literary Work: “Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poem's: “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost and “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe
Author(s): Anne Rice, Brian Jacques, Edgar Allen Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Stephen E. Ambrose
Random Question:
Q: You're wearing a sweater that stretches down to your feet. What color belt do you put on?
A: Who says I'm wearing pants?
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Vos yeux sont quelque chose que je me suis développé pour aimer pour détester. La tentation se développe solidement en dedans, ainsi je dois faire un adieu final de tous ce que je me suis développé pour savoir. Je manquerai la plupart des ces promenades d'après-midi et ces promenades après chimie. Je manquerai la plupart par jours le poolside dépensé, et l'évasion agréable du cinéma. Je viendrai pour chercher un conte avec lequel pour lire sur mon voyage, et espérer que vous vous rappellerez les contes que je vous ai dits. Rappelez le pique-nique, et tombez en parc. Rappelez le temps où nous avons passé ensemble et mes ombres dans l'obscurité pour avec ceci je traverse les portes nacrées du ciel, pour conquérir au loin l'enfer.

Your eyes are something that I've grown to love to hate. The temptation grows steadily within, thus I must make a final farewell of all that I've grown to know. I'll miss most those afternoon outings and those walks after chemistry. I'll miss most the days spent poolside, and the pleasurable escape of the cinema. I'll come to seek a tale with which to read on my journey, and hope that you'll remember the tales that I've told you. Recall the picnic's, and fall in the park. Recall the time we spent together and my shadows in the dark for with this I pass through the pearly gates of heaven, off to conquer hell.

>> Alan spun round and round on 7/12/2003 12:38:00 AM

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