Last night was to say the least interesting… My friend Bobby and I went to see Daredevil and although Ben’s acting wasn’t that bad, it was truly Jennifer Garner and those gowns (the likes of which I’d love to see on plenty of other women in addition to Garner) who held the movie together. After that we were pulling out of the parking space when who should show up but Ash and Lyd, they had just left a note on Bobbie’s car. I hadn’t seen Ash in maybe 3 or 4 months and Lyd in about 3 weeks. They had just finished their rounds at the rink and were going to grab a copy of “The Ring” and watch it at Lyd’s. They invited us along and so we were off, (after all who were we to refuse the company of two young women…) but when we got to Blockbuster, they didn’t have it so we rented Ash’s bane “Event Horizon” (she’d never been able to watch it all the way through). Two hours later with a sore hand (Ash, was nowhere near as strong as I remember her being) we were on our way home (this was at about 1 in the morning). I had a great time and look forward to the summer when the whole crew will be home from college (and I’ll have a car…). It’s strange for me this year as I’ve never really hung out with anyone my age. I’ve always been someone to hang out with those older than I; heck, my freshman year I had more friends that were seniors than other freshman, but like I said, when summer comes around things will hopefully be back to the norm.
>> Alan spun round and round on 3/08/2003 09:11:00 AM